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El Paso Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer

Attorney Helping Injured Tractor-Trailer Crash Victims in El Paso, TX

Trucking is a major industry in Texas, with a high percentage of U.S. freight loads moving through the state. Americans rely on trucks to deliver goods throughout the country, with a total of over 300 billion miles traveled every year. With so many trucks on the road, truck accidents are all too common. While collisions do injure truck drivers, occupants of passenger autos typically sustain more severe injuries.

Because of their two-part structure, tractor-trailers can have types of collisions that cars cannot. A jackknife accident can be particularly dangerous to other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. If a jackknife crash injured you, you may qualify to recover compensation for your losses. Working with a personal injury lawyer can increase the likelihood of receiving a fair settlement.

Jackknife Accidents Explained

Many large trucks have two separate parts: the tractor and the trailer. The tractor is the cab, with freight carried in or on the trailer. when fully loaded, large commercial trucks can weigh 80,000 pounds, and they require a longer stopping distance than lighter vehicles. Truckers need to bring their semis to a stop gradually rather than quickly.

When drivers brake suddenly or too hard, their load's forward momentum and weight can cause the trailer to swing out. In a jackknife collision, the trailer is pushed into the cab at a sharp angle, causing the cab to turn sideways. The resulting shape looks like a folding pocket knife, hence the term "jackknife." Depending on the truck's weight, speed, and other variables, drivers may be unable to control their rigs.

When a tractor-trailer jackknifes, it can do a lot of damage to nearby cars and their occupants. These trucks may:

  • Skid into cars, pushing them
  • Enter other traffic lanes quickly, causing cars to collide with them
  • Cause underride crashes, where a car travels partway under a truck's trailer and is dragged, often crushing the hood and front of the passenger compartment
  • Cause multiple-vehicle collisions

Jackknifing may also cause the trailer's load to spill onto the roadway, creating another dangerous situation. Falling cargo can impact nearby cars or become roadway obstacles. If the truck is carrying toxic substances, spills can affect those nearby, even if they are not involved in the collision.

Jackknife truck wrecks can seriously injure or kill motorists. Many of these collisions are avoidable. If someone else's negligence causes a truck to jackknife and injure you, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries, property damage, and other losses. If you are an eligible survivor of someone who lost their life in a truck crash, you may be able to file a wrongful death suit.

Frequent Causes of Jackknife Accidents

Truck accidents can happen for many reasons. Jackknife collisions often occur due to:

  • Speeding or driving too fast for conditions
  • Improper braking
  • Following too closely
  • Improperly balanced and secured cargo
  • Distracted driving
  • Tire blowouts, brake failure, or other equipment failure
  • Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or fatigue

These frequent causes are all forms of negligence, which is the basis for most personal injury claims. When you can prove negligence, you can hold the guilty party or parties accountable for your damages.

Damages in Jackknife Truck Collisions

Under the modified comparative negligence laws in Texas, you can pursue compensation for accident-related damages as long as you are less than 51 percent at fault. These damages include reimbursement for medical bills, lost wages, replacement services or ongoing care, and property damage. Truck crashes can also have profound effects on your quality of life. You might be eligible to receive compensation for pain and suffering, PTSD, disability, losing your enjoyment of life, and other kinds of non-economic damages.

There is no average settlement amount, because your damages are unique and calculated using case-specific data. If you qualify, Cal and his team at Cal Mundell Law Firm, PLLC will fight to see that you receive the highest possible amount of compensation.

Request Your Free Consultation With Our El Paso County Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer

Our firm has an inside track to help you obtain a favorable case outcome. Our founder, Cal Mundell, used to represent insurance companies. He knows how to overcome the tactics the may use to minimize your payout. Best of all, you will not pay any fees unless we win. Contact us at 915-250-0700 to schedule your free consultation. Someone can speak with you 24/7.

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